Règlements Standards à l'Exécution d'un Site Web
A New Standard in Planning Strategic Marketing and
Visual Communication of your company.
Phone: (239) 465-6505
Standard Rules for the Creation of a Website
It is very important to read and pay close attention to all the above points in this document so that the result of our work can be, in every sense, as professional as possible. Otherwise, the agency can terminate any agreement or negotiation between the two parties. Our team is sensitive to the quality of its image and the work done in our graphic studio.
All the elements constituting the information (logos, photos, texts, videos, etc.) which will be used on the website must be provided by the client for analysis and verification before the project begins. If all the information needed for the execution of the website is not provided on time, the direction of Imagit reserves the right to terminate the contract, if necessary, or not to touch the client's project.
For any canceled contract or arrangement by the direction of Imagit for late delivery of information or insufficient information on the part of the customer, the guarantee deposit paid in advance, if any, will be refunded within 72 hours. If the reasons for the delay are acceptable, the direction may decide, in agreement with the client, to extend the delivery time of the project.
The original version of the customer's logo must be given to us as a JPEG file (The vectorial version coming from the original application - Illustrator or Coreldraw - would be even better), with a good quality, 150 dpi minimum. We do not accept to extract a logo already used on a visual advertisement. If the client does not have a logo, our studio can suggest a design. Design and production service fees will be charged.
Texts must be provided to us in the language (s) they will be used on the website. If the site is in French, the text must be in French. If the site is in English, the text must be in English. If the site will be in both languages, both versions must be provided to us by the customer. If the document provided by the customer is not in the language he wishes to use on the site, translation costs will be charged.
The original version of the photos that will be used on the website must be given to us as a PSD, JPEG or PNG file, with good quality, at a minimum of 150 dpi. We do not accept photos used in visual advertising or taken from social networks. In the event that the customer insists that these photos be used, our team will not take responsibility for the poor quality that may result. If the client does not have a photo, a production fee will be charged by the studio.
The customer must ensure that the reading of the document is correct. The studio takes no responsibility for spelling mistakes, grammatical rules or vocabulary errors. We just do the job that is required of us.
Once the website is completed and published according to the client's request or the initial proposal that has been submitted to him, no further consideration for change or modification will be taken into account, unless the client agrees to pay the additional service charge. However, after the publication of the website, the studio makes sure to make the necessary follow up: corrections and updates when it comes to basic colors, sizes and alignment of texts, placement and enlargement of photos, related to the errors of our designers.
If the client has their web designer or developer to ensure updates once the project is delivered, our team will be happy to follow up with them to ensure that the work is transferred as approved according to the agreements between the two parts. After the transfer, we do not assume any technical errors made or improper handling of the visual elements of the site by the web designer. We do not accept any liability for the work delivered with the approval of the client.
It is reserved at the discretion of the direction of Imagit to decide to make a price adjustment for a client according to the objective or the purpose of a project (humanitarian, social, educational, community, etc.). However, this does not in any way mean that this client will have the same consideration for another project of the same kind. This price adjustment decision is reserved at the discretion of Imagit's decision-making staff.